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Computer Software
Industry Overview
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Computer Software Job Listings

Industry Overview

Even though it's only a few decades old, by now the computer software industry has a much-storied past. We've all heard the tales of iconoclastic young entrepreneurs who started companies in their garages and went on to become among the most rich and powerful businesspeople in the world. Indeed, names like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are better known in many circles than the names of the latest pop music stars.

Today, programming's adventurous and maverick past is still alive; all over Silicon Valley, as well as in other tech hot spots like Boston and Austin, visionary software developers are trying to come up with the next "killer app."

Computer software products accomplish discrete tasks and are sold as complete packages. Categories include applications, such as word processors and Web browsers; operating systems, such as Windows and Linux; and utilities.

Most software purchases are made by businesses seeking better tools to manage the complexities of running operations, record keeping, and controlling the flow of money in and out of an enterprise. It's not always the quality of the code that determines the most successful software, but how well that software meets an actual business need. Probably the quickest way to talk yourself out of a job in this segment is to make the technology seem more important than the end user.

Marketing is critical to the success of any software product, partly because there are so many companies competing in the software market and partly because computers are still new to a lot of people and business processes. In fact, in many companies that produce software, the marketing department calls the shots.

At the other end of the totem pole, technical writers are employed at most computer software companies to write user documentation, either as manuals or, increasingly, as online help. The industry also employs—in descending order of technical expertise—software testers, customer service reps, sales personnel, and staff for the usual array of business functions, from HR to accounting.

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Computer Software Job Listings
Computer Software
Content Engineer
Software Architect
Software Designer
Software Engineer
Software Graphic Artist
Software Product Manager
Software Product Specialist
Software Technical Support
Technical Writer